You have some home interior design projects to do -
but you need help!

Room Planner Workbook$7

  • You need to find the style you want to decorate your rooms - whether its modern, farmhouse, minimalist etc....
  • You need to find the colors you want to use, and make sure they match & coordinate
  • You need to keep track of your home renovation projects all in one easy to reference and find place
  • You need to keep track of your renovation budget & what you are spending
  • You need to keep dimensions and sizes for your rooms and your home to hand.
  • You just need a helping hand through the entire process....


30 pages of resources for any home design project - room by room 

PDF Printable file & also an editable PDF file - so you can print out & write, or use on a computer or any electronic device

Color psychology chart to help you find your desired colors

Design style suggestions

Mood board template & instructions to create your own room mood board

Logs to record your room dimensions, needs, wants, problems & more

Checklists for tasks, spending, shopping & more

Suppliers/contractors record sheets

Bids/quotes record sheets

Room paint color tracker

Guide on how to find decorating ideas

Paper for your sketches, plans & more

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I acknowledge that these templates are for my use only and are not to be shared with others or sold as templates as my own work. The images used are stock photos from Canva & Picmonkey. We are not sponsored by neither Canva nor Picmonkey nor Leadpages. All parties are bound by the terms and conditions of the respective platforms.
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Room Planner Workbook$7

  • Total payment
  • 1xRoom Planner Workbook$7

All prices in USD